GVK Newsletter q2 2017
The Summer Solstice fast approaches. Seems hard to believe 2017 is almost halfway expired, does it not?
GVK has been busy last quarter. Here are the highlights.
- April: We conducted a rite to Hretha and Eostre. We are an Anglo-Saxon kindred, after all, and these two little-known goddesses are quintessentially Anglo-Saxon. In our Kindred lore, Hretha represents the winter, while Eostre represents the spring. We implored Hretha three times to leave; afterwards we welcomed Eostre and her vernal brilliance.
- May: One of our favorite festivals is a flower festival to Frige. In Norse religion, Freya and Frigg are construed as separate entities. The Anglo-Saxon sources, admittedly sparse as they are, do not seem to differentiate the two goddesses. To us, Frige is the tribal mother who embodies both. In many ways our kindred began when Frige made her presence known. Our May celebration is always a glorious affair outside, with flowers decorating the altar.
- June: many Norse kindred will honor Balder the brilliant this time of year, but he is not really part of our cultural purview. Instead we honor Sunna and the elves (landwights). This year we decided to turn it into a wider festival; we coordinated with our friends at Thor’s Hollow to coincide with their Midsummer festival. It seems to have been a great success, particularly the after-ritual game of Kubb.
Other news items:
- I (Jeremy) have been teaching workshops on runes since January. Our kindred is one of the few to use the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, and it’s my pleasure to introduce people to it.
- The last quarter we admitted two Gildan (intermediate members), Jen and Kim. This quarter we admitted another Gildan, Lewen. The presence of these three fine Heathen women is a great boon to GVK.
- At a recent business meeting, we had a few internal administrative restructurings, most of which will not directly impact our guests. There is one thing that bears mentioning, though, to participants of our Symbel. The ritual position of Frithweaver (what most Norse types refer to as a “Valkyrie”) is held by Crystal; she is the Lady of the Hall where we meet. However, she may at her discretion delegate this responsibility to others. We foresee our three Gildan increasingly shouldering this duty.
Future Happenings:
- Tiw Blot: July 9th, Gettysburg, PA. Honor the one-handed god.
- GVK Pubmoot: July 23rd, Frederick, MD. Whether you are an old friend or a new face, meet GVK members over some drinks: https://greatvalleykindred.com/pubmoot-72317/
- Loafmass: August 12th, Gettysburg, PA. Honor Thunor (Thor) in his agricultural aspects.
September and October events are private affairs for the kindred. We’ll appraise you of our November and December events at the end of the 3rd quarter.
GVK wishes all of its friends a happy rest-of-the summer!
— Jeremy