Between 600 and 700 CE, the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms had converted to Christianity. While it would take some time for the new religion to filter down from the royal courts to the commoners, Anglo-Saxon Heathenry as a cultural religion was doomed. The reasons that the kings had converted, as well as the particularly crafted brand of …
Author: Jeremy Baer
Anglo-Saxons – An Overview
The English Before They Were English The Angles, Jutes and Saxons most probably lived in Jutland and northern Germany (P. H. Blair 9). The Roman writer Tacitus refers to a tribe called the Anglii. The Anglii and six other Germanic tribes were notable for adhering to a religious confederation that honored the terrestrial goddess Nerthus. …
Futhorc Runes – An Overview
(copyright Jeremy Baer) Origin of the Futhorc Runes For some time, the Germanic peoples had traded and raided amongst their literate Mediterranean neighbors. In the first century Before the Common Era, the earliest known attempt of Germanic literacy transpired in the Alpine region. The Negau Helmet, whose inscribed text dates to c. 55 BCE, was …
q2 2017 Newsletter
GVK Newsletter q2 2017 The Summer Solstice fast approaches. Seems hard to believe 2017 is almost halfway expired, does it not? GVK has been busy last quarter. Here are the highlights. Rituals: April: We conducted a rite to Hretha and Eostre. We are an Anglo-Saxon kindred, after all, and these two little-known …
q2 2017 business meeting (Reeve position restructered, charities, etc).
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Sunnafest 6-17-17
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omen 6/17/17
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Flower Festival 5-14-17
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Flower Festival 5-14-17
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Hretha and Eostre Daeg
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